Incident Reporting & Claim Processing
What is an Incident?
An incident is an event that results in or causes injury or damage to someone or something, or an event that has the potential to result in or cause injury or damage. The University responds differently to different types of incidents. Different people and processes are involved depending upon the incident type.
What is a Claim?
Claims arise out of incidents that result in or cause bodily injury or damage to property. These include property loss or damage, auto accidents, injury or illness and 3rd party liability.
Other types of Incidents:
Environmental Compliance
Report a Environmental Compliance incident which may include a release, spill, leak, and/or discharge caused by, University personnel and operations, or a release, spill, leak, and/or discharge that has impacted University personnel, property, or operations.
Near Miss, Hazard or Unsafe Work Practice
Report a near miss incident, hazard or unsafe work practice; this helps keep the campus safe and assists in preventing possible future incidents. Reports can be made anonymously.
Report Injuries, Accidents & Property Losses Immediately
Auto Accidents
Bodily Injury
Employee Injury & Illness
Near Misses
Property Damage
3rd Party