UCR Letters in Fall

Workers' Compensation

The University of California strives to provide a safe working environment for all employees and to minimize the adverse impact of work-related injuries. Workers' Compensation is a state mandated benefit for employees with work-related injuries and illness, awarded without regard to who is at fault. California's Workers' Compensation laws are intended to ensure that employees receive prompt medical treatment, among other benefits, when they are injured on-the-job. Under Workers' Compensation, an injury must meet the test of both arising out of employment and occurring during the course of employment to be compensable. 

Workers' Compensation covers the full range of employees at the University, including: faculty, staff, student employees, limited appointment employees, and registered volunteers.  



Not injured but want to report an incident or safety concern? 

Report a Incident or Safety Concern

OSHA 300 Report

Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300) is used to classify work-related injuries and illnesses and to note the extent and severity of each case.

View the 2023 Report